Do you even know yourself 🤷‍♂️?

It's common for people to believe they know themselves better than anyone else. However, the reality is that our self-knowledge is confined to what we’ve uncovered so far. The crucial questi...
đź“… Posted on August 30, 2024

It’s common for people to believe they know themselves better than anyone else. However, the reality is that our self-knowledge is confined to what we’ve uncovered so far. The crucial question is whether you truly know yourself well. Many young people, including myself at one point, thought we had a good grasp on who we were.

As a young person, it’s easy to overlook the aspects of yourself that remain unexplored. I once made the mistake of assuming I had a deep understanding of myself. Let me share an experience that made me realize how much I didn’t know.

Back in 2012, when I was in 6th grade at boarding school, we had a small competition in the evening:

Creative Writing ✍️

Every student was excited and headed to the hall to participate. I wasn’t interested and planned to return to my dorm for a nap. However, my friend convinced me to join the competition. Reluctantly, I went to the competition room with low expectations, aiming just to finish quickly and get back to bed. The task was simple: “Write a creative story using your writing skills with added creativity.”

I wrote my story without much effort, neither aiming to win nor producing high-quality content. After an hour, I submitted my work and returned to my dorm, forgetting all about the competition.

Months later, on November 23, 2012, during Parents’ Day, my aunt attended the event. As we chatted, I suddenly heard my name being called over the microphone. I felt a bit anxious, unsure of what was happening.

To my surprise, they announced that I had won the creative writing competition 🎉—something I hadn’t expected at all. It was quite astonishing given that I hadn’t put in much effort or had any expectations of winning.

This experience highlights an important lesson. We often underestimate our capabilities and think we’re bad at something without even trying. You might not fully understand who you are or what you’re capable of. So, the next time you believe you know yourself, remember this: Try the things you think you’re not good at.

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